Today is the today that many have been eagerly anticipating, or fearing depending on your perspective. The FA Women’s Football Board has now considered the feedback submitted by Leagues and Clubs as part of the Tiers 3-6 Club Survey, the Grassroots Survey and recommendations of the Women’s Football Conference, in addition to the information set out in the Government’s recent roadmap.
The Women’s Football Board has made the following decisions, which are subject to approval by the FA Board and/or FA Council as appropriate:
- The 2020/21 Season for tiers 3-6 of the Women’s Football Pyramid will be curtailed with immediate effect and declared incomplete, with no further league fixtures taking place this season. There will also be no promotion and relegation between these tiers for the 2020/21 season, including no promotion from tier 3 into tier 2 and no relegation from tier 6 into tier 7. A recommendation for an alternative club movement process is included below.
- At tier 7, County Leagues will follow the guidance given to grassroots leagues, allowing them to make their own decision on the conclusion of the season, following FA Board approval to extend the season into June 2021.
- The Promotion Pool, allowing club movement from tier 7 to tier 6, will remain active, with the deadline for application extended to 1 May 2021. All clubs seeking promotion will need to apply, with champion clubs no longer receiving automatic consideration. In addition, the deadline for clubs throughout the Pyramid to apply for Voluntary Relegation will also be extended to 1 May 2021

The Women’s Football Board, taking into account the views of Clubs and Leagues, decided that extending the 2020/21 league season beyond the end of May 2021 would not be a viable option due to the operational issues faced by many Clubs and Leagues.
Clubs and Leagues will however be encouraged to provide playing opportunities over the coming months by organising alternative fixtures in some format, where they are able and feel comfortable to do so following the return of grassroots football from 29 March and in line with the appropriate guidelines.
In addition, and in light of feedback from Clubs and Leagues, the Women’s Football Board made the following recommendation to accompany the above decisions:
Further feedback on this will be sought from clubs at tier 3-6 before details of the process are confirmed, but it is hoped that facilitating club movement will support the stability and integrity of the Women’s Football Pyramid following the disruption to the last two seasons. This is likely to result in expanded divisions at tiers 3-6 for the 2021/22 season, something which Leagues have indicated they could accommodate.
Clubs should note the proposed extension to the deadlines for application to the Promotion Pool (at tier 7) and for Voluntary Relegation (throughout the Pyramid), to 1 May 2021.
The Women’s Football Board will now present their recommendation to The FA Board for ratification on the decision to curtail the season, and to The FA Council on the recommendation for upward club movement via an application, with consideration of further club feedback.
Further detail on these decisions will be communicated to leagues and clubs directly in due course.